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Katri Räikkönen
Katri Räikkönen is Full Professor at the Department of of Psychology and Logopedics at the University of Helsinki where she is also Director of the Doctoral Programme in Human Behavior, Dr. Raikkonen’s research focuses on prenatal programming of child’s psychological development and mental health and aims to understand what the maternal-placental-fetal biological mechanisms are that mediate these links. Her work capitalizes on large pregnancy cohort and nationwide register linkage studies and randomized clinical trials comprising over 1 million mother-father-child triads. Dr. Raikkonen has authored or co-authored more than 450 articles, she has supervised 24 PhD thesis, mentored 18 post docs and four of her former PhD students have been nominated as professors. Dr. Raikkonen is a member if the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters, she is a Knight First Class, of the Order of the White Rose of Finland, and has received a number of awards and honors, including the 2017 City of Helsinki Science Price.
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